Relational Database Design: A Practical Approach

Relational Database Design: A Practical Approach

by Element K

In this course, students learn the general principles involved in designing a database that complies with the relational database model. They will become conversant with the terminology used in reference to relational databases and be familiar with the design process. They will identify data as fields, group fields into tables, select key fields, and identify table… See more details below


In this course, students learn the general principles involved in designing a database that complies with the relational database model. They will become conversant with the terminology used in reference to relational databases and be familiar with the design process. They will identify data as fields, group fields into tables, select key fields, and identify table relationships. Also, they will identify data problems and apply data normalization techniques to solve them. Students will use referential integrity and other data integrity techniques to support the accuracy of data in the database. They will use criteria and operators and perform appropriate table joins in queries. And finally, they will understand basic SQL queries and techniques for improving the performance of queries.

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Element K LLC
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Paperback & Floppy Disk

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