Research and Development in Information Retrieval

Research and Development in Information Retrieval

by C. J. van Rijsbergen

This book presents the proceedings of an international conference organised jointly by specialist groups in information retrieval (IR) with the BCS and ACM, and held at King's College, Cambridge in July 1984. The book covers both basic research ideas in information storage and retrieval and interesting new applications. The topics examined by contributors include… See more details below


This book presents the proceedings of an international conference organised jointly by specialist groups in information retrieval (IR) with the BCS and ACM, and held at King's College, Cambridge in July 1984. The book covers both basic research ideas in information storage and retrieval and interesting new applications. The topics examined by contributors include automatic indexing, natural language processing, integration of IR with other information systems, IR in the context of office automation, system modelling and evaluation, user interfaces, the complexity problem, cognitive models, knowledge based IR systems, hardware design to enhance IR, file organisation, and mathematical and linguistic models for IR.

Product Details

Cambridge University Press
Publication date:
British Computer Society Workshop Series
Product dimensions:
5.98(w) x 8.98(h) x (d)

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