Running Databases on the Internet with Cold Fusion 3

Running Databases on the Internet with Cold Fusion 3

by John Burke

This book and the bundled CD-ROM are all you need to start creating dynamic, database-powered Websites with Allaire Corporation's Cold Fusion 3 - the revolutionary application that enables you to provide your end users with unlimited information access nearly automatically, in just two weeks of coding or less! Inside Web Databases with Cold Fusion 3 you'll find expert… See more details below


This book and the bundled CD-ROM are all you need to start creating dynamic, database-powered Websites with Allaire Corporation's Cold Fusion 3 - the revolutionary application that enables you to provide your end users with unlimited information access nearly automatically, in just two weeks of coding or less! Inside Web Databases with Cold Fusion 3 you'll find expert solutions for developing advanced Web database applications without endless coding; porting all popular databases onto the Web-Access, FoxPro, Paradox, dBASE, Oracle 7, and SQL Server; creating a full-featured Web intranet; building, using, and automating Cold Fusion 3's templates and menus; creating formatted e-mail, handling SQL queries, and displaying graphs with Java applets; using HTML forms to Web-connect your database; and generating reports with Cold Fusion 3's Crystal Reports.

Editorial Reviews

Library Journal
Cold Fusion provides database access directly to the web from a Windows NT web server. It is an easy way quickly to link existing databases written in Access, Visual dBASE, Personal Oracle 7, Paradox, and Visual FoxPro to the web through a Microsoft SQL server. The book includes a 30-day evaluation copy of Cold Fusion 3.0 and lots of examples. Not for neophytes but very useful for webmasters.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Companies, The
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Product dimensions:
7.35(w) x 9.18(h) x 1.31(d)

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