Sams Teach Yourself Access 97 in 21 Days

Sams Teach Yourself Access 97 in 21 Days

by Craig Eddy

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In just 21 days, you'll have all the skills you need to get up and running efficiently. With this complete tutorial, you'll master the basics and then move on to the more advanced features and concepts. Understand the fundamentals of data management and retrieval. Master all of the new and advanced features that Access 97 offers. Learn how to effectively use the… See more details below


In just 21 days, you'll have all the skills you need to get up and running efficiently. With this complete tutorial, you'll master the basics and then move on to the more advanced features and concepts. Understand the fundamentals of data management and retrieval. Master all of the new and advanced features that Access 97 offers. Learn how to effectively use the latest tools and features to create customized forms and reports by following practical, real-world examples. Get expert tips from a leading authority on implementing Access 97 in the corporate environment or on the Web. This book is designed for the way you learn. Go chapter by chapter through the step-by-step lessons, or just choose the lessons that interest you the most.

Editorial Reviews

Provides tutorials, useful tips, and technical information, beginning with the most basic database tasks moving on to sophisticated queries and linked-table databases. Coverage includes database design, table relationships, form controls, programming with Data Access Objects and ActiveX controls, database maintenance, integrating Access with the rest of Microsoft Office, and integrating Access with the Web. The CD- ROM contains a sample database for a fictional bookstore that changes with each chapter. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Publication date:
Sams Teach Yourself Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.39(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.43(d)

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