Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with JDBC in 21 Days

Sams Teach Yourself Database Programming with JDBC in 21 Days

by Sams.Net Publishing, Sams Publishing

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Linking both corporate and home databases to the Web is critical for a Web site to be successful. And Sun's JDBC API allows users to do just that! Using a step-by-step , conversational approach, users will learn how to develop JDBC components to create complete database applications for Web connection.

  • Explores database basics, JDBC interfaces, database
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Linking both corporate and home databases to the Web is critical for a Web site to be successful. And Sun's JDBC API allows users to do just that! Using a step-by-step , conversational approach, users will learn how to develop JDBC components to create complete database applications for Web connection.

  • Explores database basics, JDBC interfaces, database connectivity and transactions, and more
  • CD-ROM is packed with all the source code from the book, two complete, real-world database examples, and a Web page linking to several useful JDBC resources

Product Details

Publication date:
Sams Teach Yourself Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.07(h) x 1.33(d)

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