Sams Teach Yourself DB2 Universal Server in 21 Days with Cdrom

Sams Teach Yourself DB2 Universal Server in 21 Days with Cdrom

by Susan Visser, Ibm Canada

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This is a complete tutorial and hands-on guide to all the new features of DB2 Universal Database Version 5. This is a comprehensive guide to designing, administering and optimizing a DB2 Universal Server database. With this book, the reader will learn to build secure distributed databases and replication into a network environment, gain in-depth information on… See more details below


This is a complete tutorial and hands-on guide to all the new features of DB2 Universal Database Version 5. This is a comprehensive guide to designing, administering and optimizing a DB2 Universal Server database. With this book, the reader will learn to build secure distributed databases and replication into a network environment, gain in-depth information on making your information web-accessible and gain valuable insight into parallel processing for data warehousing. There is an emphasis on how DB2 can improve the productivity and profitability of the reader's organization, while it covers installation and configuration, day-to-day database administration, commands, performance, tuning and troubleshooting.

Editorial Reviews

A book/CD-ROM tutorial on basics of the database in 21 lessons. Includes real-world examples, tips, and review questions. Coverage includes installing and configuring DB2 server, creating databases, ensuring data security, and diagnosing problems. Features chapter summaries, quizes and answers, and troubleshooting questions answered. The CD-ROM contains trial software and sample applications. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Publication date:
Sams Teach Yourself Series
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Product dimensions:
7.49(w) x 9.13(h) x 1.38(d)

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