Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Coldfusion 5 in 21 Days

Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Coldfusion 5 in 21 Days

by Charles Mohnike

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Sams Teach Yourself ColdFusion in 21 Days will quickly empower reader's to create their own dynamic database-driven Web applications using Allaire's ColdFusion. Using client-proven methods, and the success of his popular ColdFusion tutorial for Wired, expert author Charles Mohnike provides reader's with an understanding of the ColdFusion Server, and guides

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Sams Teach Yourself ColdFusion in 21 Days will quickly empower reader's to create their own dynamic database-driven Web applications using Allaire's ColdFusion. Using client-proven methods, and the success of his popular ColdFusion tutorial for Wired, expert author Charles Mohnike provides reader's with an understanding of the ColdFusion Server, and guides them through the use of ColdFusion Studio, enabling them to create their own ColdFusion applications quickly and easily. The 21 One-day lessons include topics such as

* @Bullet1 = Easily installing and configuring the ColdFusion Server* @Bullet2 = Working with the ColdFusion Studio* @Bullet3 = Working with SQL* @Bullet4 = Optimizing your datasource* @Bullet5 = Understanding Templates and ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML)* @Bullet6 = Using ColdFusion Tags* @Bullet7 = Manipulating data* @Bullet8 = Creating E-Commerce solutions with ColdFusion@Bullet9 = Debugging ColdFusion applications

Editorial Reviews

Macromedia's ColdFusion 5 is a Web application server that makes it possible to control some or all of a Web site's content from a database. This tutorial for Web developers (with or without programming experience) teaches ColdFusion's basic and advanced features through a series of 21 lessons. A sampling of topics includes building template pages, Web-based e-mail, advanced SQL procedures, and understanding error messages. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Publication date:
Sams Teach Yourself Series
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
7.45(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.75(d)

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