Microsoft Office Access 2003 in a Snap

Microsoft Office Access 2003 in a Snap

by Alison Balter

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Microsoft Access is a database development and maintenance program, but it can be confusing when trying to learn how to complete the tasks required to create an application. Microsoft Access 2003 In a Snap can quickly show you how to complete a specific task in an easy-to-follow format complete with illustrated steps. Sections of the book are organized into

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Microsoft Access is a database development and maintenance program, but it can be confusing when trying to learn how to complete the tasks required to create an application. Microsoft Access 2003 In a Snap can quickly show you how to complete a specific task in an easy-to-follow format complete with illustrated steps. Sections of the book are organized into task categories such as Table Creation, Queries and Form Design. Intended to keep you focused and on-target, this book does not spend time explaining database architecture or application design. If you are the casual Access user or if you use it in your day-to-day work life, this book is a great reference tool!

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Pearson Education
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Barnes & Noble
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10 MB

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