Sams Teach Yourself OLE DB and ADO in 21 Days

Sams Teach Yourself OLE DB and ADO in 21 Days

by John W. Fronckowiak

Understand the nuts and bolts behind connection and recordset objects; master the ActiveX Data Objects by understanding object model hierarchy; create components to pull dynamic data from various servers and databases; use Advanced Data Connector controls to speed up development; ensure fast and secure data access using ADO and the ADC; design a Web-based order-entry… See more details below


Understand the nuts and bolts behind connection and recordset objects; master the ActiveX Data Objects by understanding object model hierarchy; create components to pull dynamic data from various servers and databases; use Advanced Data Connector controls to speed up development; ensure fast and secure data access using ADO and the ADC; design a Web-based order-entry application; prepare OLE DB, ADO, and Microsoft Windows NT Server to work together efficiently; develop error-handling techniques you can integrate into your own OLE DB and ADO applications; integrate your OLE DB and ADO applications into Transaction Server, Microsoft Index Server, and Microsoft Internet Information Server; and implement ADO applications using Active Server Pages.

Product Details

Publication date:
Sams Teach Yourself Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.12(h) x 1.71(d)

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