Sams Teach Yourself Transact-SQL in 21 Days

Sams Teach Yourself Transact-SQL in 21 Days

by Lowell Mauer

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Sams Teach Yourself Transact-SQL in 21 Days, 2E will teach programmers how to develop Transact-SQL queries. There will be a focus on providing methods for improving productivity without a reducing performance. Specifically, the reader will:Learn Transact-SQL syntax Learn how to add, delete, and modifying data using Transact-SQL Understand coding standards

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Sams Teach Yourself Transact-SQL in 21 Days, 2E will teach programmers how to develop Transact-SQL queries. There will be a focus on providing methods for improving productivity without a reducing performance. Specifically, the reader will:Learn Transact-SQL syntax Learn how to add, delete, and modifying data using Transact-SQL Understand coding standards Review variations from ANSI-standard SQL Be presented with basic server operations. Recognize performance issues with queries. This book will also include:Constructs such as CUBE, ROLLUP, CASE, and JOIN. Techniques to solve complex problems How the server uses indexes Methods to write (correctly) stored procedures and triggers. Templates of procedures and triggers (reference) Advanced Topics such as: Outer and self joins Temporary tables Sub-queries.

Editorial Reviews

This tutorial presents the fundamentals of Transact-SQL programming, and then goes on to cover advanced techniques and concepts. It offers guidance on producing effective SQL queries, designing and using computed columns, using indexes to optimize the manipulation of data, working with table variables, testing and debugging stored procedures, writing and testing triggers, and understanding user-defined functions. Mauer is a programmer, instructor, and consultant. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

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Sams Teach Yourself Series
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Product dimensions:
7.24(w) x 8.97(h) x 1.49(d)

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