SAP BW Certification: A Business Information Warehouse Study Guide

SAP BW Certification: A Business Information Warehouse Study Guide

by Catherine M. Roze

A concise, comprehensive study guide to the core SAP BW certification exam

The SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) is the data warehousing solution developed by SAP AG for SAP-centric data warehouses. Professionals seeking to become SAP BW application consultants need to pass the SAP BW certification exam in order to prove that they have a fundamental

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A concise, comprehensive study guide to the core SAP BW certification exam

The SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) is the data warehousing solution developed by SAP AG for SAP-centric data warehouses. Professionals seeking to become SAP BW application consultants need to pass the SAP BW certification exam in order to prove that they have a fundamental knowledge of this particular area of the SAP system, as well as to demonstrate that they are able to apply this knowledge within a project environment. SAP BW Certification: A Business Information Warehouse Study Guide provides candidates with the training and information they need in order to achieve certification.

SAP BW Certification begins with critical background information on Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP), software packages that integrate the entire flow of information throughout an organization, of which SAP is the market leader. The book then covers how SAP BW relates to SAP as a whole and discusses fundamental SAP BW functions such as data modeling, reporting, and extraction. Features of this Study Guide include:
* An introduction to the BW certification exam
* An overview of the exam's topics, including such features as "On the Exam," "Optimization Tips," "Note," "Restrictions," "Unique to SAP," and "New to SAP"
* Exercises that can be performed with a small test-BW server
* Practice test questions and answers that assess the reader's knowledge of current exam topics
* A complete simulated certification exam

SAP BW practitioners who are preparing for the SAP BW certification exam, or for the SAP BW delta (recertification) exam, will find SAP BW Certification the premier study guide on the market today.

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Edition description:
Study Guide
Product dimensions:
11.00(w) x 8.25(h) x 0.74(d)

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