SAS 9.1 SQL Query Window User's Guide

SAS 9.1 SQL Query Window User's Guide

by Inc SAS Institute, Sas Institute

Step-by-step examples are your guide as you use the windowing interface to the SQL procedure. The SQL Query window supports the PROC SQL Pass-Through Facility and enables you to access data through remote hosts using SAS/CONNECT software. You can also design reports with PROC REPORT based on your SQL Query window's output. In this guide you will learn basic query… See more details below


Step-by-step examples are your guide as you use the windowing interface to the SQL procedure. The SQL Query window supports the PROC SQL Pass-Through Facility and enables you to access data through remote hosts using SAS/CONNECT software. You can also design reports with PROC REPORT based on your SQL Query window's output. In this guide you will learn basic query concepts, how to perform basic queries on single and multiple tablesm how to use advanced SQL Query window features, and how to customize the SQL Query window environment. This title is also available online. This guide is written for those who are familiar with basic SAS terminology and concepts. No previous experience with PROC SQL or SAS code is needed.

Supports releases 9.1 and higher of SAS software.

Product Details

SAS Institute Inc.
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
8.25(w) x 11.00(h) x 0.22(d)

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