Sas(R) 9.1.3 Olap Server

Sas(R) 9.1.3 Olap Server

by Sas Publishing

The SAS OLAP Server User's Guide is designed for users who will build, tune, and view SAS OLAP cubes. This guide contains information about building and tuning various types of cubes both with SAS OLAP Cube Studio and with the OLAP procedure. It also discusses related topics such as cube file storage, cube tuning and aggregations, and using cubes with various SAS… See more details below


The SAS OLAP Server User's Guide is designed for users who will build, tune, and view SAS OLAP cubes. This guide contains information about building and tuning various types of cubes both with SAS OLAP Cube Studio and with the OLAP procedure. It also discusses related topics such as cube file storage, cube tuning and aggregations, and using cubes with various SAS clients and third-party clients.

Product Details

SAS Institute Inc.
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
8.25(w) x 11.00(h) x 0.33(d)

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