SAS Guide to the Report Procedure, Usage and Reference

SAS Guide to the Report Procedure, Usage and Reference

by SAS Institute Incorporated

Six tutorials help you learn how to customize reports in PROC REPORT's windowing environment. Complete reference documentation for windows and commands complement the tutorials. Also included are reference documentation and examples for using PROC REPORT in a nonwindowing environment. This book does not assume that you have experience using the SAS System, but it does… See more details below


Six tutorials help you learn how to customize reports in PROC REPORT's windowing environment. Complete reference documentation for windows and commands complement the tutorials. Also included are reference documentation and examples for using PROC REPORT in a nonwindowing environment. This book does not assume that you have experience using the SAS System, but it does assume that you have some computer programming experience and understand the fundamentals of programming logic.

Product Details

SAS Institute Inc.
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
8.25(w) x 11.00(h) x 0.70(d)

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