SAS/Warehouse Administrator Metadata API Reference,Release 1.3,First Edition

SAS/Warehouse Administrator Metadata API Reference,Release 1.3,First Edition

by SAS Institute Incorporated

This book is for programmers who want to develop client applications which read or write the metadata for SAS/Warehouse Administrator or the Job Scheduler. Using the SAS Metadata Application Program Interface (API), you can write Screen Control Language (SCL) applications that: publish HTML pages containing the current metadata for SAS/Warehouse Administrator,… See more details below


This book is for programmers who want to develop client applications which read or write the metadata for SAS/Warehouse Administrator or the Job Scheduler. Using the SAS Metadata Application Program Interface (API), you can write Screen Control Language (SCL) applications that: publish HTML pages containing the current metadata for SAS/Warehouse Administrator, change path names in metadata, copy a table's metadata (in order to create a similar table, for example), add columns to a table, update a column attribute, add tables and other objects defined by metadata, and use the API in a SAS macro to generate a LIBNAME statement. Supports releases 6.12 and higher of SAS software.

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