Scaling Apache Solr

Scaling Apache Solr

by Hrishikesh Vijay Karambelkar

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In Detail

This book is for individuals who want to build high-performance, scalable, enterprise-ready search engines for their customers/organizations. The book starts with the basics of Apache Solr, covering different ways to analyze enterprise information and design enterprise-ready search engines using Solr. It also discusses scaling Solr-based enterprise

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In Detail

This book is for individuals who want to build high-performance, scalable, enterprise-ready search engines for their customers/organizations. The book starts with the basics of Apache Solr, covering different ways to analyze enterprise information and design enterprise-ready search engines using Solr. It also discusses scaling Solr-based enterprise search for the next level.

Each chapter takes you through more advanced levels of Apache Solr with real-world practical details such as configuring instances, installing and setting up instances, and more. This book contains detailed explanations of the basic and advanced features of Apache Solr.

By sequentially working through the steps in each chapter and with the help of real-life industry examples, you will quickly master the features of Apache Solr to build search solutions for enterprises.


This book is a step-by-step guide for readers who would like to learn how to build complete enterprise search solutions, with ample real-world examples and case studies.

Who this book is for

If you are a developer, designer, or architect who would like to build enterprise search solutions for your customers or organization, but have no prior knowledge of Apache Solr/Lucene technologies, this is the book for you.

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Packt Publishing
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