Scientific Data Management: Challenges, Technology, and Deployment / Edition 1

Scientific Data Management: Challenges, Technology, and Deployment / Edition 1

by Arie Shoshani

Dealing with the volume, complexity, and diversity of data currently being generated by scientific experiments and simulations often causes scientists to waste productive time. Scientific Data Management: Challenges, Technology, and Deployment describes cutting-edge technologies and solutions for managing and analyzing vast amounts of data, helping

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Dealing with the volume, complexity, and diversity of data currently being generated by scientific experiments and simulations often causes scientists to waste productive time. Scientific Data Management: Challenges, Technology, and Deployment describes cutting-edge technologies and solutions for managing and analyzing vast amounts of data, helping scientists focus on their scientific goals.

The book begins with coverage of efficient storage systems, discussing how to write and read large volumes of data without slowing the simulation, analysis, or visualization processes. It then focuses on the efficient data movement and management of storage spaces and explores emerging database systems for scientific data. The book also addresses how to best organize data for analysis purposes, how to effectively conduct searches over large datasets, how to successfully automate multistep scientific process workflows, and how to automatically collect metadata and lineage information.

This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the latest techniques for managing data during scientific exploration processes, from data generation to data analysis. Enhanced by numerous detailed color images, it includes real-world examples of applications drawn from biology, ecology, geology, climatology, and more.

Check out Dr. Shoshani discuss the book during an interview with International Science Grid This Week (iSGTW):

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Product Details

Taylor & Francis
Publication date:
Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
6.40(w) x 9.30(h) x 1.40(d)

Table of Contents

Storage Technology and Efficient Storage Access

Storage Technology, Jason Hick and John Shalf

Parallel Data Storage and Access, Robert Ross, Alok Choudhary, Garth Gibson, and Wei-keng Liao

Dynamic Storage Management, Arie Shoshani, Flavia Donno, Junmin Gu, Jason Hick, Maarten Litmaath, and Alex Sim

Data Transfer and Scheduling

Coordination of Access to Large-Scale Datasets in Distributed Environments, Tevfik Kosar, Andrei Hutanu, Jon McLaren, and Douglas Thain

High-Throughput Data Movement, Scott Klasky, Hasan Abbasi, Viraj Bhat, Ciprian Docan, Steve Hodson, Chen Jin, Jay Lofstead, Manish Parashar, Karsten Schwan, and Matthew Wolf

Specialized Retrieval Techniques and Database Systems

Accelerating Queries on Very Large Datasets, Ekow Otoo and Kesheng Wu

Emerging Database Systems in Support of Scientific Data, Per Svensson, Peter Boncz, Milena Ivanova, Martin Kersten, Niels Nes, and Doron Rotem

Data Analysis, Integration, and Visualization Methods

Scientific Data Analysis, Chandrika Kamath, Nikil Wale, George Karypis, Gaurav Pandey, Vipin Kumar, Krishna Rajan, Nagiza F. Samatova, Paul Breimyer, Guruprasad Kora, Chongle Pan, and Srikanth Yoginath

Scientific Data Management Challenges in High-Performance Visual Data Analysis, E. Wes Bethel, Prabhat, Hank Childs, Ajith Mascarenhas, and Valerio Pascucci

Interoperability and Data Integration in the Geosciences, Michael Gertz, Carlos Rueda, and Jianting Zhang

Analyzing Data Streams in Scientific Applications, Tore Risch, Samuel Madden, Hari Balakrishan, Lewis Girod, Ryan Newton, Milena Ivanova, Erik Zeitler, Johannes Gehrke, Biswanath Panda, and Mirek Riedewald

Scientific Process Management

Metadata and Provenance Management, Ewa Deelman, Bruce Berriman, Ann Chervenak, Oscar Corcho, Paul Groth, and Luc Moreau

Scientific Process Automation and Workflow Management, Bertram Ludäscher, Ilkay Altintas, Shawn Bowers, Julian Cummings, Terence Critchlow, Ewa Deelman, David De Roure, Juliana Freire, Carole Goble, Matthew Jones, Scott Klasky, Timothy McPhillips, Norbert Podhorszki, Claudio Silva, Ian Taylor, and Mladen Vouk

Conclusions and Future Outlook


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