Security in Cyberspace: Challenges for Society: Proceedings of an International Conference

Security in Cyberspace: Challenges for Society: Proceedings of an International Conference

by Richard Hundley, Robert Anderson, John Arquilla, Roger Molander

Topics covered include the magnitude of the cyberspace security threat and the threat's consequences; impediments to improved security in cyberspace and what must be done to remove them; and means to achieve international cooperation regarding security in cyberspace.See more details below


Topics covered include the magnitude of the cyberspace security threat and the threat's consequences; impediments to improved security in cyberspace and what must be done to remove them; and means to achieve international cooperation regarding security in cyberspace.

Product Details

Rand Corporation
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
8.54(w) x 10.98(h) x 0.17(d)

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