SELECT Advanced Access 2000 / Edition 1

SELECT Advanced Access 2000 / Edition 1

by Philip A. Koneman


  • A class-tested, task-based, highly visual approach makes it easy to clearly see and understand what you are doing as you work through each project—one step at a time. Each project is designed to be completed in a single class or lab session.
  • Every project begins with a Running Case from

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  • A class-tested, task-based, highly visual approach makes it easy to clearly see and understand what you are doing as you work through each project—one step at a time. Each project is designed to be completed in a single class or lab session.
  • Every project begins with a Running Case from SELECTIONS, Inc., a department store with locations nationwide. You'll also find a list of Objectives that identify what you will learn, the Challenge you will face as you complete the tasks in the project, a suggested Solution to take to accomplish the task, and the Setup that will help you get started on the right foot.
  • Every project ends with a summary, key terms and operations, study questions, and hands-on exercises to help you reinforce and review what you have learned.


Comprehensive coverage of Advanced Access 2000 Topics

Based upon feedback from instructors like you, the Select Advanced Access 2000 module covers a variety of topics beyond those required for MOUS certification. As you review the Table of Contents, you will be pleased with the comprehensive coverage of Access 2000 in this book.

Useful Appendix

The Select Advanced Access 2000 text includes a useful appendix, Working with Access. It covers database objects, Design view and Object view as well as using the Office Assistant. The goal is to provide a review of Access for students who need to brush up on their skills.

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Product Details

Prentice Hall
Publication date:
Select Lab Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
8.50(w) x 10.87(h) x 0.24(d)

Table of Contents


Basic Database Concepts. Microsoft Database Objects. Designing a Database. Launching Access and Creating a Database. Identifying Microsoft access Screen Elements. Closing a Database and Exiting Access. Beyond the Basics: Exploring the Power of Microsoft Access 2000.


1.Designing a Relational Database
File Processing Systems. The Database Approach. The Database Design Process. Using the Entity-Relationship Model in Database Design. Designing a Simple Data Dictionary. Opening a Microsoft Access Database. Creating a Table Object by Importing Data. Viewing Records in a Table.

2.Planning and Creating Tables and Establishing Relationships.
Understanding Relationships. Cardinality in Relationships. Reading Cardinalities in E-R Diagrams. Database Normalization. Designing the Database. Creating the Products Table by Importing Data from Microsoft Excel. Creating Tables Using Table Design View. Establishing Relationships.

3. Modifying Table Design and Setting Table Properties.
Renaming a Primary Key Field. Modifying the Field Size Property of Text Fields. Defining Data Validation Criteria. Setting Data Validation Text. Testing Validation Rules. Using Input Masks. Using Lookup Fields.


4. Creating Queries.
Creating Queries in Microsoft Access. Creating Select Queries. Adding Fields to a Select Query. Viewing the Results of a Query. Creating a Parameter Query. Adding a Calculated Field to a Parameter Query. Specifying Query Conditions Modifying Query Properties. Creating an Append Query.

5. Creating and Modifying Forms.
Creating Forms. Modifying a Form UsingForm Design View. Creating a Form Using Form Design View. Adding Controls to the Form. Modifying Controls on the Products Form. Creating a Main Form with a Synchronized Subform. Adding Fields to the Main Form. Adding a Calculated Field to a Subform. Modifying the Subform. Modifying the Main Form. Adding a Calculated Control to the Subform. Adding an Order with Two Items to the Database Using the Orders Form.

6. Creating and Modifying Reports.
Creating Reports. Creating a Report Using the Report Wizard. Viewing a Report in the Print Preview Window. Modifying the Design of the Customers Report for Printing. Creating a Report Using Report Design View. Creating the Invoice Report. Adding a Subform/Subreport Control to the Detail Section of a Report. Adding Parameter Specifications to the Customer Invoice Report.


7. Maintaining Databases Using Access Database Tool.
Specifying Join Properties in Relationships. Setting Cascade Update and Cascade Delete Options. Using the Database Performance Analyzer. Setting and Modifying a Database Password. Creating a Switchboard. Adding Command Buttons to the Switchboard. Setting Database Startup Options.

8. Displaying Access Data on the World Wide Web.
Access 2000 and the World Wide Web. Creating Static HTML Pages from Access Data. Creating Dynamic Data Access Pages. Creating a Data Access Page Using Design View. Adding Hyperlinks to Access Objects. Creating a Grouped Data Access Page.

9. Customizing Access Using Macros and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
Creating Macros Using the Macro Builder. Running Macros from Command Button Controls. Using Visual Basic for Applications to Customize Access. Using VBA to Automatically Enter Data Into a Field. Creating a VBA Procedure That Prompts the User for Input. Adding a Command Button to the Orders Form.

10. Using Access with Excel and Visual Basic.
Linking Excel Data to an Access Database. Creating a Query from a Linked Table. Creating a Report from a Query. Adding a Chart to an Access Report Using Microsoft Graph. Using Drag-and-Drop to Export Access Data to Excel. Creating a Database Front End With Microsoft Visual Basic. Converting an Access 2000 Database to a Previous Version. Creating a New Visual Basic Project. Visual Basic Naming Conventions. Using the Visual Basic Data Control. Adding Controls to a Visual Basic Form.

Appendix: Working with Access.
Microsoft Database Objects. Working with Objects: Understanding Object Views. Using the Office Assistant.

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