Software Engineering with Oracle: Best Practices for Mission-Critical Systems

Software Engineering with Oracle: Best Practices for Mission-Critical Systems

by Elio Bonazzi

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Mission Critical Applications—Engineered for Success with Oracle.

This book is unique. If you are looking for a book that applies time-honored software engineering principles to enterprise-wide, Oracle-based projects, then this book will meet your needs. Too many large projects run into too much difficulty, because fundamental software engineering

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Mission Critical Applications—Engineered for Success with Oracle.

This book is unique. If you are looking for a book that applies time-honored software engineering principles to enterprise-wide, Oracle-based projects, then this book will meet your needs. Too many large projects run into too much difficulty, because fundamental software engineering principles were not considered. Not here. . . .

In addition, Software Engineering with Oracle links Oracle's own architectural components with crucial externals such as compilers, Version Control Systems, Bug Track systems, and management tools. Build on your existing knowledge of relational theory to put the power of Oracle to work. Learn advanced techniques to design and implement high-end systems using middleware technologies and classical software engineering methods.

As you walk through the implementation of two realistic software projects, you'll master innovative solutions with insider's tips from an experienced expert who will show you how to:

  • Look at the big picture: architecture and scalability
  • Manage timing and performance issues
  • Document as you go
  • Use tools like C++, Pro C, OCI, and PL/SQL
  • Develop in Visual Basic, Powerbuilder, Delphi, and Oracle Developer

Filled with code examples and real-life Do's and Don'ts, Software Engineering with Oracle will show you how to get it right the first time.

The CD-ROM includes all the code used in the book, along with an Oracle System Global Area SQL Statement browser, and the author's own freeware application for advanced performance monitoring.

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Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
Prentice Hall Oracle Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
6.95(w) x 9.09(h) x 2.05(d)

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