Software Tools for Business: An Information Systems Approach

Software Tools for Business: An Information Systems Approach

by Roger Hayen

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Uses a problem solving approach in which commands are presented in a logical sequence that supports the solution of common business problems. Features a unique chapter on interrogating Lotus to show precisely how Lotus can be used to perform business analyses as well as one on forecasting with Lotus which describes how to perform regression analysis. Overarching

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Uses a problem solving approach in which commands are presented in a logical sequence that supports the solution of common business problems. Features a unique chapter on interrogating Lotus to show precisely how Lotus can be used to perform business analyses as well as one on forecasting with Lotus which describes how to perform regression analysis. Overarching MIS framework and problem-solving orientation enable users to apply these software tools to actual business problems. Includes an abundance of exercises and cases on a variety of levels.

Editorial Reviews

Library Journal
Created for students looking at computers in the corporate world for the first time, Hayen's volume provides a broad overview of the utility of DOS, Lotus 1-2-3, dBase, and WordPerfect. Hayen's approach is to set up problems and demonstrate their solution with a little keyboard work. The dBase section, for example, looks at a payroll database for a ficticious company. Questions are asked that can be answered only with well-constructed uses of dBase or 1-2-3. The final section integrates all of the previous efforts, showing how to use dBase, 1-2-3, and WordPerfect together. Anyone working routinely with Lotus 1-2-3, dBase, and WordPerfect would benefit from these thoughtful exercises.

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8.50(w) x 10.95(h) x 1.78(d)

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