Solving Data Mining Problems Through Pattern Recognition / Edition 1

Solving Data Mining Problems Through Pattern Recognition / Edition 1

by Unica Technologies Inc, C. D. Reed, Benjamin Van Roy, Yuchun Lee

Besides explaining the most current theories, Solving Data Mining Problems through Pattern Recognition takes a practical approach to overall project development concerns. The rigorous multi-step method includes defining the pattern recognition problem; collection, preparation, and preprocessing of data; choosing the appropriate algorithm and tuning algorithm… See more details below


Besides explaining the most current theories, Solving Data Mining Problems through Pattern Recognition takes a practical approach to overall project development concerns. The rigorous multi-step method includes defining the pattern recognition problem; collection, preparation, and preprocessing of data; choosing the appropriate algorithm and tuning algorithm parameters; and training, testing, and troubleshooting. Pattern classification, estimation, and modeling are addressed using the following algorithms: linear and logistic regression, unimodal Gaussian and Gaussian mixture, multilayered perceptron/backpropagation and radial basis function neural networks, K nearest neighbors and nearest cluster, and K means clustering. While some aspects of pattern recognition involve advanced mathematical principles, most successful projects rely on a strong element of human experience and intuition. Solving Data Mining Problems through Pattern Recognition provides a strong theoretical grounding for beginners, yet it also contains detailed models and insights into real-world problem-solving that will inspire more experienced users, be they database designers, modelers, or project leaders.

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Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
Data Warehousing Institute Series from Prentice Hall PTR Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.26(w) x 9.54(h) x 1.35(d)

Table of Contents

List of Figures
List of Tables
Ch. 1Introduction
Ch. 2Key Concepts: Estimation
Ch. 3Key Concepts: Classification
Ch. 4Additional Application Areas
Ch. 5Overview of the Development Process
Ch. 6Defining the Pattern Recognition Problem
Ch. 7Collecting Data
Ch. 8Preparing Data
Ch. 9Data Preprocessing
Ch. 10Selecting Architectures and Training Parameters
Ch. 11Training and Testing
Ch. 12Iterating Steps and Trouble-Shooting
App. A References and Suggested Reading
App. BPattern Recognition Workbench
App. CUnica Technologies, Inc.
App. D Glossary
Software License Agreement
What's on this CD

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