Spatio-Temporal Database Management: International Workshop STDBM'99 Edinburgh, Scotland, September 10-11, 1999 Proceedings / Edition 1

Spatio-Temporal Database Management: International Workshop STDBM'99 Edinburgh, Scotland, September 10-11, 1999 Proceedings / Edition 1

by Michael H. Bohlen

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Wo rkshop on Spatio-Temporal Database Management Systems, STDBM'99, held in Edinburgh, UK, in September 1999 as a satelite event of VLDB'99. T he 13 revised full papers presented were carefully selected from 30 pa pers submitted. The book offers topical sections on understanding and manipulating

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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Wo rkshop on Spatio-Temporal Database Management Systems, STDBM'99, held in Edinburgh, UK, in September 1999 as a satelite event of VLDB'99. T he 13 revised full papers presented were carefully selected from 30 pa pers submitted. The book offers topical sections on understanding and manipulating spatio-temporal data; integration, exchange, and visualiz ation; query processing; index evaluation; and constraints and depende ncies.

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, #1678
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 0.55(d)

Table of Contents

Understanding and Manipulating Spatio-Temporal Data.- A Spatio-Temporal Taxonomy for the Representation of Spatial Set Behaviours.- Lifestyles — An Algebraic Approach to Change in Identity.- The Honeycomb Model of Spatio-Temporal Partitions.- Integration, Exchange, and Visualization.- Ontology-Based Geographic Data Set Integration.- The Italian Cadastral Information System: A Real-Life Spatio-Temporal DBMS.- Using Interactive, Temporal Visualizations for WWW-Based Presentation and Exploration of Spatio-Temporal Data.- Query Processing.- Nearest Neighbor Queries in a Mobile Environment.- A Framework ofa Generic Index for Spatio-Temporal Data in Concert.- Index Evaluation.- The BASIS System: A Benchmarking Approach for Spatial Index Structures.- Evaluation of Access Structures for Discretely Moving Points.- Constraints and Dependencies.- Temporal Dependencies Generalized for Spatial and Other Dimensions.- Tractable Query Answering in Indefinite Constraint Databases: Basic Results and Applications to Querying Spatiotemporal Information.- Animating Spatiotemporal Constraint Databases.

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