Special Edition Using Paradox for Windows 95: Special Edition

Special Edition Using Paradox for Windows 95: Special Edition

by Don Goyette, Que Corporation

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Que's Special Edition Using Paradox 7 for Windows 95 and Windows NT offers complete information and instructions on how to maximize your use of the newest version of this popular database program. From designing optimized queries to creating custom forms and reports, this reference has the answers to your most pressing Paradox questions. With a technical edit by… See more details below


Que's Special Edition Using Paradox 7 for Windows 95 and Windows NT offers complete information and instructions on how to maximize your use of the newest version of this popular database program. From designing optimized queries to creating custom forms and reports, this reference has the answers to your most pressing Paradox questions. With a technical edit by Borland, this complete reference guides you through the fundamentals of database design. You'll find information on user interface enhancements, productivity improvements, and performance improvements. You'll learn the key concepts on how to design a database, as well as how to migrate existing databases. You'll learn how to sort and link tables, design data entry forms, and extract data with queries. And you'll learn how to enhance your work with design objects and other graphics.

Product Details

Publication date:
Special Edition Using Series
Product dimensions:
7.41(w) x 9.14(h) x 1.96(d)

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