SQL Demystified

SQL Demystified

by Andrew Oppel

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There’s no easier, faster, or more practical way to learn the really tough subjects

SQL Demystified explains how to use SQL (Structured Query Language)--the ubiquitous programming language for databases. Readers will learn to create database objects, add and retrieve data from a database, and modify existing data. This self-teaching guide

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There’s no easier, faster, or more practical way to learn the really tough subjects

SQL Demystified explains how to use SQL (Structured Query Language)--the ubiquitous programming language for databases. Readers will learn to create database objects, add and retrieve data from a database, and modify existing data. This self-teaching guide comes complete with key points, background information, quizzes at the end of each chapter, and even a final exam. Simple enough for beginners but challenging enough for advanced students, this is a lively and entertaining brush-up, introductory text, or classroom supplement.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
Publication date:
Demystified Series
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 9.10(h) x 0.65(d)

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