SQL/DS Performance: Techniques for Improvement

SQL/DS Performance: Techniques for Improvement

by Dov Gilor

Designed to aid professional users with the important task of tuning SQL/DS systems and applications. Intended for the application programmer, systems programmer, database administrator, and systems analyst—the so-called Performance Tuning Team—provides insight into those factors that play a prominent role in database performance and offers hints, tips,

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Designed to aid professional users with the important task of tuning SQL/DS systems and applications. Intended for the application programmer, systems programmer, database administrator, and systems analyst—the so-called Performance Tuning Team—provides insight into those factors that play a prominent role in database performance and offers hints, tips, and rules of thumb on maximizing SQL/DS productivity. Among topics discussed are table design considerations, referential integrity, application development, and more. Based on the principle that database transactions ought to take as little time as possible, it discusses performance from the perspective of each member of the Performance Tuning Team and provides practical examples of commands and output, as well as helpful end-of-chapter reviews.

Product Details

Publication date:
Professional Computing Series
Product dimensions:
6.50(w) x 9.62(h) x 1.17(d)

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