SQL for SQL Server / Edition 1

SQL for SQL Server / Edition 1

by Bijoy Bordoloi, Douglas Bock

This book focuses on teaching standard ANSI SQL, flavored with additional examples of the supplemental commands provided in the Oracle implementation of SQL. All of the SQL concepts and covered are equally applicable to database management system software that follows the ANSI SQL standard, including DB2, SQL Server, and SYBASE, among others.

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This book focuses on teaching standard ANSI SQL, flavored with additional examples of the supplemental commands provided in the Oracle implementation of SQL. All of the SQL concepts and covered are equally applicable to database management system software that follows the ANSI SQL standard, including DB2, SQL Server, and SYBASE, among others.

This book organizes SQL subtopics into small chapters. These include coverage of basic relational database and database management system concepts, with the use of the SQL Query Analyzer for executing SQL statements; how to define and create database and tables for data storage, including the use of DDL (data definition language) and DML (data manipulation language); all primary components of SQL, including querying single tables, multiple tables (“joins” ), coding nested and correlated subqueries, using common functions, defining views, and much more.

Because of its comprehensive coverage of Oracle SQL, this book is an excellent resource for SQL programmers, systems analysts, database programmers, and database administrators.

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Product Details

Prentice Hall
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
8.10(w) x 10.06(h) x 0.93(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1Introduction1
Ch. 2Creating Tables and Indexes30
Ch. 3Single Table Query Basics65
Ch. 4Adding Power to Queries91
Ch. 5Aggregate Functions and Grouping of Data118
Ch. 6Joins139
Ch. 7Subqueries168
Ch. 8Views and Synonyms195
Ch. 9Additional Functions216
Ch. 10Stored Procedures and Triggers245
Ch. 11SQL Server Database Administration270
Ch. 12Embedded SQL302
App. ACompany Database Schema317
App. BRiverbend Hospital Case333
App. CEnd-of Chapter Solutions to Odd-Numbered Exercises343

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