SQL Fundamentals / Edition 2
  • SQL Fundamentals / Edition 2
  • SQL Fundamentals / Edition 2

SQL Fundamentals / Edition 2

by John J. Patrick, John Patrick

Don't just learn "generic" SQL: learn SQL to get results with the world's top database platforms -- Oracle for the enterprise and Microsoft Access for the desktop! Based on John J. Patrick's hands-on SQL course at the University of California at Berkeley Extension, this book shows exactly how to retrieve the data you want, when you need it, in any application -- from… See more details below


Don't just learn "generic" SQL: learn SQL to get results with the world's top database platforms -- Oracle for the enterprise and Microsoft Access for the desktop! Based on John J. Patrick's hands-on SQL course at the University of California at Berkeley Extension, this book shows exactly how to retrieve the data you want, when you need it, in any application -- from ad hoc reports to the data warehouse. From the simplest Select statements to the most sophisticated joins, Patrick shows you exactly how to write SQL queries that are easy to understand, verify, modify, and extend.

Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
Publication date:
Edition description:
2nd Edition Book & CD-ROM
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.50(h) x 1.24(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1Storing Information in Tables1
Ch. 2Getting Information from a Table33
Ch. 3Compound Conditions in the Where Clause89
Ch. 4Saving Your Results139
Ch. 5Modifying Data Through a View177
Ch. 6Creating Your Own Tables227
Ch. 7Formats, Sequences, and Indexes277
Ch. 8Data Integrity315
Ch. 9Row Functions357
Ch. 10Using Row Functions397
Ch. 11Summarizing Data435
Ch. 12Controlling the Level of Summarization473
Ch. 13Inner Joins521
Ch. 14Outer Joins563
Ch. 15Union and Union All601
Ch. 16Cross Joins and Self Joins643
Ch. 17Combining Tables in a Production Database669
Ch. 18If-Then-Else and Subqueries691
Ch. 19The Multiuser Environment735
Ch. 20The Design of SQL779
App. AObtaining and Installing Oracle791
App. BTips on Using Oracle801
App. CTips on Using Access813
App. DDiagram of the Lunches Database821

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