SQL Fundamentals, Third Edition / Edition 3
  • SQL Fundamentals, Third Edition / Edition 3
  • SQL Fundamentals, Third Edition / Edition 3

SQL Fundamentals, Third Edition / Edition 3

by John J. Patrick

SQL for the Real World

Don’t just learn “generic” SQL. Learn SQL to get results with the world’s top database platforms–Oracle for the enterprise and Microsoft Access for the desktop. Based on John Patrick’s hands-on SQL course at the University of California, Berkeley Extension, this book shows exactly how to retrieve the data

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SQL for the Real World

Don’t just learn “generic” SQL. Learn SQL to get results with the world’s top database platforms–Oracle for the enterprise and Microsoft Access for the desktop. Based on John Patrick’s hands-on SQL course at the University of California, Berkeley Extension, this book shows exactly how to retrieve the data you want, when you need it, in any application–from ad hoc reports to the data warehouse. Thoroughly updated for the newest versions of Oracle, Access, and the SQL standard, this book contains more exercises, techniques, and solutions than ever before. You’ll learn exactly how to write SQL queries that are easy to understand, verify, modify, and extend–even if you’ve never worked with databases before.

SQL Fundamentals,Third Edition, teaches you how to

  • Build simple statements to retrieve, store, or modify data

  • Craft complex queries that draw information from multiple tables

  • Sort and summarize your data just the way you want it

  • Create and edit your own tables

  • Protect the integrity of your data

  • Create more efficient, high-performance queries

  • Work with unions, subqueries, self joins, cross joins, inner joins, and outer joins

  • Use the Oracle Data Dictionary

About the Web Site

The accompanying Web site, http://groups.google.com/group/sqlfun, contains all the SQL code and tables from the book, including the full databases for several versions of Access and code for building the corresponding Oracle databases. It also provides solutions to many of the book’s problems and an open area for discussions with the author and other readers.

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Product Details

Prentice Hall
Publication date:
Pearson Custom Computer Science Series
Edition description:
Third Edition
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
6.90(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.30(d)

Table of Contents

Preface xxv

Chapter 1: Storing Information in Tables 1

Introduction 3

The Parts of a Table 9

Examples of Tables 19

Key Points 30

Chapter 2: Getting Information from a Table 31

The Select Statement 33

The Select Clause 37

The Where Clause 50

The Order By Clause 71

Key Points 80

Chapter 3: Compound Conditions in the Where Clause 83

Compound Conditions in the Where Clause 85

Constant Values 95

Punctuation Matters 102

Case Sensitivity 113

Three-Valued Logic 120

Error Messages 122

Some Exercises Solved for You 124

Key Points 131

Chapter 4: Saving Your Results 133

Saving Your Results in a New Table or View 135

Modifying the Data in a Table with SQL 151

Modifying the Data in a Table with the GUI 161

Restrictions on Modifying the Data in a Table 167

Key Points 170

Chapter 5: The Data Dictionary and Other Oracle Topics 171

Commit, Rollback, and Transactions 173

Modifying Data through a View 179

The SQL Commands Page in Oracle 192

Using the Oracle Data Dictionary – Part 1 195

Key Points 207

Chapter 6: Creating Your Own Tables 209

Creating Tables 211

Changing Tables 226

Tables with Duplicate Rows 236

Key Points 243

Chapter 7: Formats, Sequences, and Indexes 245

Formats 247

Sequences 257

Indexes 262

Using the Oracle Data Dictionary – Part 2 266

An Exercise Solved for You 278

Key Points 280

Chapter 8: Data Integrity 281

Constraints on One Table 283

Referential Integrity 289

The Delete Options and Update Options of RI 303

Variations of Referential Integrity 311

How to Code Constraints in a Create Table Statement 316

Key Points 319

Chapter 9: Row Functions 321

Introduction to Row Functions 323

Numeric Functions 334

Text Functions 340

Date Functions 350

Key Points 359

Chapter 10: Using Row Functions 361

Specialized Row Functions 363

Using the Documentation of Row Functions 372

Creating Patterns of Numbers and Dates 376

Key Points 397

Chapter 11: Summarizing Data 399

Introduction to the Column Functions 401

Maximum and Minimum 404

Count 411

Sum and Average 420

Other Topics 428

Key Points 434

Chapter 12: Controlling the Level of Summarization 435

Dividing a Table into Groups of Rows 437

Eliminating Some of the Summarized Data 459

Key Points 471

Chapter 13: Inner Joins 473

Introduction to Joins 475

Inner Joins of Two Tables 479

Variations of the Join Condition 495

Applications of Joins 504

Key Points 515

Chapter 14: Outer Joins 517

Introduction to Outer Joins 519

Applications of Outer Joins 534

Key Points 553

Chapter 15: Union and Union All 555

Union Basics 557

Unconventional Unions 573

Applications of a Union 577

Set Intersection and Set Difference in Oracle 590

Key Points 595

Chapter 16: Cross Joins, Self Joins, and CrossTab Queries 597

Cross Joins 599

Self Joins 613

CrossTab Queries in Access 624

CrossTab Queries in Oracle 645

Key Points 650

Chapter 17: Combining Tables in a Production Database 653

Methods of Joining Three or More Tables 655

Losing Information 660

Caring about the Efficiency of Your Computer 663

Standardizing the Way That Tables Are Joined 666

Key Points 671

Chapter 18: If-Then-Else, Parameter Queries, and Subqueries 673

If-Then-Else Logic 675

Parameter Queries 689

Subqueries 700

Applications of Subqueries 710

Older Features of Subqueries 714

Key Points 719

Chapter 19: The Multiuser Environment 721

Database Configurations 723

Operating in a Multiuser Environment 727

Security and Privileges 732

The Oracle Data Dictionary and the Multiuser Environment 736

Key Points 738

Chapter 20: The Design of SQL 739

Original SQL Design Objectives 741

Newer Interfaces 743

Typical Applications 748

Key Points 749

Appendix A: Oracle Is Free: How to Get Your Copy 751

Getting Current Information 752

Which Version of Oracle Should You Get? 752

System Requirements 753

Downloading Oracle from the Internet 753

Installing Oracle 754

Setup to Run the Examples in This Book 754

How to Stop Running Oracle 763

What to Do if Oracle Slows Down Your Computer 763

Appendix B: Quick Start with Oracle 765

Log in to Your Computer 766

Go to the Database Home Page 766

Log in to the Oracle Database 768

Go to the SQL Commands Page 768

Enter and Run an SQL Query 769

Optional: Print Your Query and the Results 770

Appendix C: Quick Start with Access 771

You May Use Access 2007, 2003, 2002, or 2000 772

How to Start Access 772

Entering an SQL Query 774

Dealing with Errors in Access 776

Printing from Access 777

Using the Access Trust Center 778

Appendix D: Diagram of the Lunches Database 783

Join Conditions 784

Data Validation Rules 785

Index 787

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