SQL: Self-Teaching Guide

SQL: Self-Teaching Guide

by Peter Stephenson, Glenn Hartwig

Imparts the basics of SQL and addresses several general SQL issues. Provides a model with one SQL product. Covers relational databases, database query techniques, SQL structure, etc. Explains how to build the SQL query; define a database; and create complex queries. Features STG format including self-checks, end of chapter exercises and tips. Includes an SQL quick… See more details below


Imparts the basics of SQL and addresses several general SQL issues. Provides a model with one SQL product. Covers relational databases, database query techniques, SQL structure, etc. Explains how to build the SQL query; define a database; and create complex queries. Features STG format including self-checks, end of chapter exercises and tips. Includes an SQL quick reference appendix.

Product Details

Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.52(w) x 9.19(h) x 0.54(d)

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