SQL: A Begginner's Guide
  • SQL: A Begginner's Guide
  • SQL: A Begginner's Guide

SQL: A Begginner's Guide

by Robert Sheldon, Forrest Houlette

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Here is the foundation upon which you can build your relational database design and programming, then apply those skills to any SQL-based product. Carefully organized for beginners, you’ll learn step-by-step how to create a database, create tables, enforce data integrity, query and modify data, and implement advanced data access techniques. See more details below


Here is the foundation upon which you can build your relational database design and programming, then apply those skills to any SQL-based product. Carefully organized for beginners, you’ll learn step-by-step how to create a database, create tables, enforce data integrity, query and modify data, and implement advanced data access techniques.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Osborne
Publication date:
Beginner's Guide Series
Edition description:
Second Edition
Product dimensions:
7.36(w) x 9.16(h) x 1.30(d)

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