SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Plans

SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Plans

by Steve Jones

Maintenance plans have evolved a lot in SQL 2005, for the casual user they can be hard to find. Well known author and DBA Steve Jones has compiled everything you need to know about the changes in maintenance plans and shows you how to get the most out of them. Learn to use SQL Server Management Studio Dale Corey is a well known figure in the SQL Server community See more details below


Maintenance plans have evolved a lot in SQL 2005, for the casual user they can be hard to find. Well known author and DBA Steve Jones has compiled everything you need to know about the changes in maintenance plans and shows you how to get the most out of them. Learn to use SQL Server Management Studio Dale Corey is a well known figure in the SQL Server community

Product Details

Central Publishing Group, The
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
5.31(w) x 8.28(h) x 0.34(d)

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