SQL Server 2012 Pocket Guide

SQL Server 2012 Pocket Guide

by Robert Walters

he SQL Server 2012 Pocket Guide provides you with a concise 100 level overview of the key features in SQL Server 2012. Learn about AlwaysOn High Availability, Columnstore indexes, developer improvements and many others. This book also introduces the three editions of SQL Server and comapres the features per edition.See more details below


he SQL Server 2012 Pocket Guide provides you with a concise 100 level overview of the key features in SQL Server 2012. Learn about AlwaysOn High Availability, Columnstore indexes, developer improvements and many others. This book also introduces the three editions of SQL Server and comapres the features per edition.

Product Details

CreateSpace Publishing
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Product dimensions:
5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.21(d)

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