SQL Server 7 Essential Reference

SQL Server 7 Essential Reference

4.6 3
by Sharon Dooley, Paul Allen

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SQL Server Essential Reference provides solid grounding in fundamental SQL Server 7 administrative tasks to help you tame your SQL Server environment. With coverage ranging from installation, monitoring, troubleshooting, security, managing client connectivity, storage and transaction management, and back-up and recovery plans, SQL Server Essential Reference<See more details below


SQL Server Essential Reference provides solid grounding in fundamental SQL Server 7 administrative tasks to help you tame your SQL Server environment. With coverage ranging from installation, monitoring, troubleshooting, security, managing client connectivity, storage and transaction management, and back-up and recovery plans, SQL Server Essential Reference breaks down SQL Server administration into its necessary functions and key conceptual areas, making a quick reference work even more quickly.

This speed and flexibility is derived from Sharon Dooley's care with the layout and content of the book. Utilizing convenient referential aids such as concise descriptions, useful examples, code examples, performance tips, warning and danger alerts, best practices, and helpful cross-references, this portable volume is the ultimate SQL Server reference. SQL Server Essential Reference is a must-have for any SQL Server administrator.

About the Author:

Sharon Dooley is a longstanding leader in the SQL Server community. Sharon has been involved with SQL Server since version 1.0 and has experience with a variety of database management systems in diverse settings. Currently a trainer for Learning Tree International, Sharon educates students from Fortune 500 companies across the United States and Europe.

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Editorial Reviews

Provides grounding in fundamental SQL Server 7 administrative tasks, with material on areas including installation, monitoring, troubleshooting, security, client conductivity management, and backup and recovery. Shows how to perform specific tasks with Transact-SQL, and ties Transact-SQL tasks to the GUI and to SQL DMO. Information is made accessible with concise descriptions, examples, code listings, performance tips, warnings, best practices, and cross-references. Dooley, a leader in the SQL Server community, is a trainer, consultant, and lecturer. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
Essential Reference Series
Product dimensions:
6.06(w) x 9.04(h) x 0.77(d)

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