SQL Server Developer's Guide to Olap with Analysis Services (Developer's Handbook Series)

SQL Server Developer's Guide to Olap with Analysis Services (Developer's Handbook Series)

by Mike Gunderloy, Tim Sneath

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The Skills You Need to Develop OLAP Solutions with SQL Server 2000

This one-of-a-kind book teaches you everything you need to know to use Microsoft's Analysis Services software to build, implement, and manage effective OLAP solutions. Expert advice and in-depth explanations combine to help you and your company take full advantage of the affordable power of

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The Skills You Need to Develop OLAP Solutions with SQL Server 2000

This one-of-a-kind book teaches you everything you need to know to use Microsoft's Analysis Services software to build, implement, and manage effective OLAP solutions. Expert advice and in-depth explanations combine to help you and your company take full advantage of the affordable power of SQL Server’s built-in OLAP functionality.

Coverage Includes:

  • Analyzing large volumes of data effectively with Analysis Services
  • Architecting and designing data analysis applications
  • Querying OLAP data using MDX
  • Programming applications using ADO/MD
  • Managing Analysis Services servers with DSO
  • Building data mining solutions with Analysis Services
  • Using English Query for natural language querying of OLAP data
  • Choosing appropriate client tools for exploring OLAP data
  • Using the PivotTable Service for client-side data analysis

Product Details

Publication date:
Developer's Handbook Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.28(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.12(d)

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