SQL Server Security Distilled

SQL Server Security Distilled

by CURLINGST, Culringstone Author Team

Securing SQL Server is one of the most important responsibilities of the SQL Server professional. Ensuring your data is safe requires a combination of good systems and database administration, and intelligent application design – weaving a security plan that matches the capabilities and vulnerabilities of each contributing part.

But at its root, security is

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Securing SQL Server is one of the most important responsibilities of the SQL Server professional. Ensuring your data is safe requires a combination of good systems and database administration, and intelligent application design – weaving a security plan that matches the capabilities and vulnerabilities of each contributing part.

But at its root, security is concerned with controlling access – authenticating who can access the data on the server, authorizing what users can do with that data, and securing data as it is transported. These core topics are the focus of this book.

SQL Server Security Distilled shows you:

  • What you can do to secure date in SQL Server
  • How SQL Server handles authentication and authorization in different versions
  • How SQL Server security integrates with Windows security
  • The security pros and cons of different transport protocols
  • Ways to tailor SQL Server security to different applications, including client-server and Web applications
  • How to secure DTS packages
  • The implications of different types of replication for security
  • The security features of SQL Server CE and its server-side agents

    Curlingstone is a new imprint providing practical information on all aspects of the technology, techniques, and job roles that form the database community.

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    (w) x (h) x 0.03(d)

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