SQL Unleashed

SQL Unleashed

by Sakhr Youness

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SQL Unleashed, Second Edition, covers ANSII SQL and how to implement them with several major relational database platforms used on a day-to-day basis. SQL Unleashed focuses on more intermediate to advanced topics and the latest trends forthcoming in SQL. Designed to be used as both a reference and implementation tool, this book serves as a practical, pragmatic guide… See more details below


SQL Unleashed, Second Edition, covers ANSII SQL and how to implement them with several major relational database platforms used on a day-to-day basis. SQL Unleashed focuses on more intermediate to advanced topics and the latest trends forthcoming in SQL. Designed to be used as both a reference and implementation tool, this book serves as a practical, pragmatic guide to day-to-day SQL programming and provide the most efficient solutions for getting the job done. Topics include database design and data definition, data manipulation, data selection, more advanced, QL implementations, the future of SQL, and vendor SQL extensions.

Product Details

Publication date:
Unleashed Series
Edition description:
2nd Edition
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.12(h) x 1.90(d)

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