SQLite for Mobile Apps Simplified

SQLite for Mobile Apps Simplified

by Sribatsa Das

This book presents the architecture, functionalities, and data types supported by SQLite. It demonstrates how to use SQLite Command-Line shell. Then, the book presents the approach to use SQLite in Mobile Apps. Later, it presents developing Android, BlackBerry and iOS Applications using SQLite to store and retrieve data with step-by-step details as well as list of… See more details below


This book presents the architecture, functionalities, and data types supported by SQLite. It demonstrates how to use SQLite Command-Line shell. Then, the book presents the approach to use SQLite in Mobile Apps. Later, it presents developing Android, BlackBerry and iOS Applications using SQLite to store and retrieve data with step-by-step details as well as list of source code. In addition, it presents how to use Android ADB Shell to open SQLite Database created for the application. Similarly, it shows the database contents from BlackBerry SD Card and iOS database file.

Chapter 1 � Introduces SQLite and describes the chapters.
Chapter 2 � SQLite Overview � Architecture, functionality, data types, Data Definition Language (DDL) statements, DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements and function call process flow and mobile devices.
Chapter 3 � Command line shell � This chapter describes how to use SQLite Command line shell.
Chapter 4 � Set up for use in Mobile Apps � This chapter presents a process flow. It presents the database structure, DDL and DML executed in the database. It also presents the sample Part Maintenance application user interface to be used repeated in Android, BlackBerry, iOS and Web App.
Chapter 5 � Use in Android Apps � This chapter narrates the approach, implementation, code listing, screenshots, accessing SQLite Database through launching ADB shell and opening SQLite command line.
Chapter 6 � Use in BlackBerry App � This chapter narrates the approach, implementation, code listing, screenshots, accessing SQLite Database through opening SQLite database in command line.
Chapter 7 � Use in iOS App � This chapter narrates the approach, implementation, code listing, screenshots, accessing SQLite Database through opening SQLite database in command line.

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Product Details

Sribatsa Das
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Barnes & Noble
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