Step-by-Step, Visual dBASE 5.5 for Windows, Text with 3.5

Step-by-Step, Visual dBASE 5.5 for Windows, Text with 3.5" and 5.25" Data Disks / Edition 1

by McGraw-Hill, Sumant S. Pendharkar

Visual dBASE 5.5 for Windows offers a semester-long introduction to today's most widely used business database management system. this text follows a step-by-step approach to learning that gradually increases in skill level. dBASE concepts are presented and explained in a clear, understandable format with illustrative, walk-through exercises and screen shots. The text… See more details below


Visual dBASE 5.5 for Windows offers a semester-long introduction to today's most widely used business database management system. this text follows a step-by-step approach to learning that gradually increases in skill level. dBASE concepts are presented and explained in a clear, understandable format with illustrative, walk-through exercises and screen shots. The text includes a basic Windows skills overview for those students who are unfamiliar with this operating environment,

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
Publication date:
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
10.80(w) x 8.60(h) x 0.50(d)

Table of Contents

Intoduction to Visual dBASE
Bisual dBASE Data Files
Tables and Indexes
Reports and Labels
Introduction to Data Types and Control Objects
Working with Custom Classes
Using the Form Designer
Working with Menus.

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