Strategic Data Warehousing Principles Using SAS Software

Strategic Data Warehousing Principles Using SAS Software

by Peter R. Welbrock

What is the key to a successful data warehouse? Strategy, design, and implementation! This book skillfully provides a conceptual and working model of a successful data warehouse process that is developed by using SAS software. Written for both the business and technical sides of the house, Welbrock supplies real-life experience with data warehousing, not a theoretical… See more details below


What is the key to a successful data warehouse? Strategy, design, and implementation! This book skillfully provides a conceptual and working model of a successful data warehouse process that is developed by using SAS software. Written for both the business and technical sides of the house, Welbrock supplies real-life experience with data warehousing, not a theoretical approach. This book delivers the following three-phase strategy for building a data warehouse: 1) Build a conceptual data warehouse that contains metadata about the business elements required to fulfill enterprise needs. 2) Transition the business elements that are documented in the conceptual warehouse into a technological lexicon. 3) Implement the physical data warehouse. Topics discussed that support the data warehousing process are data modeling, data transformation, multi-dimensional databases, data extraction and storage, warehouse loading, client/server, and the SAS/Warehouse Administrator. The strategy for designing your effective data warehouse is found in these pages!

Supports releases 6.11 and higher of SAS software.

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