Sybase Performance Tuning

Sybase Performance Tuning

by Shaibal Roy

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Sybase is the seventh largest software company in the world, and part of the fastest growing segment of the software industry database technology. This book offers a detailed look at Sybase SQL Server Performance Tuning, and a sneak peek at Sybase system 11 performance features. Covers performance features and architectures of Sybase SQL Server, configuration of… See more details below


Sybase is the seventh largest software company in the world, and part of the fastest growing segment of the software industry database technology. This book offers a detailed look at Sybase SQL Server Performance Tuning, and a sneak peek at Sybase system 11 performance features. Covers performance features and architectures of Sybase SQL Server, configuration of Sybase SQL Server for optimal performance, application design and diagnosis of performance bottlenecks, advanced performance topics, and performance tips for migrating applications from Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. For database programmers, developers, and administrators working with Sybase SQL Server.

Editorial Reviews

Suggests ways that architects and developers of high-performance database applications can optimizing the performance of the major releases of Sybase's SQL Server including the latest System 11. Among the approaches are setting goals and tradeoffs among them, planning all elements of a system, designing applications that leverage the server's strengths, and improving transaction processing. No bibliography. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.23(w) x 9.60(h) x 1.18(d)

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