Sybase SQL Server 11 Unleashed
  • Sybase SQL Server 11 Unleashed
  • Sybase SQL Server 11 Unleashed

Sybase SQL Server 11 Unleashed

by Ray Rankins, Dean Woodbeck, Bennett Wm. McEwan, David Solomon

The new release of SQL Server 11 is packed with power, breaking many previous SYBASE SQL Server benchmarks-achieving over a 100% improvement over both SQL Server 4.9 and 10. With all this new power at your command, you need a comprehensive book to detail the best ways to program, tune, and administer your databases. SYBASE SQL Server 11 Unleashed is that book. Between… See more details below


The new release of SQL Server 11 is packed with power, breaking many previous SYBASE SQL Server benchmarks-achieving over a 100% improvement over both SQL Server 4.9 and 10. With all this new power at your command, you need a comprehensive book to detail the best ways to program, tune, and administer your databases. SYBASE SQL Server 11 Unleashed is that book. Between its covers you'll find information on installation, Transact-SQL programming, performance tuning, measuring performance, transaction management, security, remote server management, and other key SQL Server 11 topics. Put the full potential of SQL Server 11 to work for you with SYBASE SQL Server 11 Unleashed.

Product Details

Publication date:
Unleashed Series
Edition description:
Book & CD-ROM
Product dimensions:
7.36(w) x 8.98(h) x 1.86(d)

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