Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual Basic 5 in 21 Days

Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual Basic 5 in 21 Days

by Michael C. Amundsen, Curtis Smith

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Visual Basic, the 32-bit programming language from Microsoft, is used by programmers to create Windows and Windows 95 applications. It can also be used to program applications for the Web. This book shows those programmers how to design, develop, and deploy Visual Basic applications for the World Wide Web.

  • Presented in a daily format with each week focusing on
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Visual Basic, the 32-bit programming language from Microsoft, is used by programmers to create Windows and Windows 95 applications. It can also be used to program applications for the Web. This book shows those programmers how to design, develop, and deploy Visual Basic applications for the World Wide Web.

  • Presented in a daily format with each week focusing on a different area of database development
  • Written by a Microsoft Certified Visual Basic Professional
  • CD-ROM includes chapter examples, Function Libraries,MicrosoftACCESS/JET 2.5 compatibility layer, and the WHAT6 Help Authoring Tool

Product Details

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Product dimensions:
7.35(w) x 9.08(h) x 2.21(d)

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