Teach Yourself SQL in 14 Days

Teach Yourself SQL in 14 Days

by Rizwan Virk, Bryan Morgan

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From a best-selling series, this 14-day tutorial guides readers through the fundamentals of SQL programming, in a logical and easy-to-follow format.

  • Includes daily lessons, review sections, and clear examples of programming code
  • Provides a regimented, day-by-day approach to learning SQL
  • Appropriate for users of Oracle, Sybase, PowerBuilder,
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From a best-selling series, this 14-day tutorial guides readers through the fundamentals of SQL programming, in a logical and easy-to-follow format.

  • Includes daily lessons, review sections, and clear examples of programming code
  • Provides a regimented, day-by-day approach to learning SQL
  • Appropriate for users of Oracle, Sybase, PowerBuilder, Informix, Access, SQL Server, SQLWindows, and more

Product Details

Publication date:
Edition description:
1st ed
Product dimensions:
7.36(w) x 9.08(h) x 1.02(d)

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