Text Mining and Its Applications to Intelligence, Crm and Knowledge Management

Text Mining and Its Applications to Intelligence, Crm and Knowledge Management

by A. Zanasi

Organizations generate and collect large volumes of textual data. Unfortunately, many companies are unable to capitalize fully on the value of this data because information implicit within it is not easy to discern. Primarily intended for business analysts and statisticians across multiple industries, this book provides an introduction to the types of problems

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Organizations generate and collect large volumes of textual data. Unfortunately, many companies are unable to capitalize fully on the value of this data because information implicit within it is not easy to discern. Primarily intended for business analysts and statisticians across multiple industries, this book provides an introduction to the types of problems encountered and current available text mining solutions.

Editorial Reviews

Computing Reviews
Overall, the book is well organized and provides a thorough overview of the area...The book should be of interest to anyone looking to understand text mining and its uses, and especially to those who have potential applications for it.

Product Details

WIT Press
Publication date:
Advances in Management Information Ser.
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