Text Mining for Biology and Biomedicine

Text Mining for Biology and Biomedicine

by Sophia Ananiadou

Here's the first focused book that puts the full range of cutting-edge biological text mining techniques and tools at your command. This comprehensive volume describes the methods of natural language processing (NLP) and their applications in the biological domain, and spells out in detail the various lexical, terminological, and ontological resources now at your

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Here's the first focused book that puts the full range of cutting-edge biological text mining techniques and tools at your command. This comprehensive volume describes the methods of natural language processing (NLP) and their applications in the biological domain, and spells out in detail the various lexical, terminological, and ontological resources now at your disposal — and how best to utilize them.

Product Details

Artech House, Incorporated
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
5.90(w) x 9.30(h) x 0.80(d)

Table of Contents

Introduction to Text Mining for Biology and Biomedicine. Levels of Natural Language Processing for Text Mining. Lexical, Terminological and Ontological Resources For Biological Text Mining. Automatic Terminology Management in Biomedicine. Abbreviations in Biomedical Text. Named Entity Recognition. Information Extraction. Corpora and their Annotation. Evaluation of Text Mining in Biology. Integrating Text Mining with Data Mining.

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