The Accidental Data Scientist : Big Data Applications and Opportunities for Librarians and Information Professionals

The Accidental Data Scientist : Big Data Applications and Opportunities for Librarians and Information Professionals

by Amy Affelt

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Editorial Reviews

VOYA, April 2015 (Vol. 38, No. 1) - Valerie Burleigh
Active in the Special Libraries Association and a data scientist, Affelt explains in her debut novel why some librarians are antiquated when it comes to data collection and analysis, even though they should be at the forefront of this field. She discusses the role of the librarian and how it has evolved, as well as why, at times, it has stayed the same which is detrimental to the profession. Her argument that librarians are data scientists at the core of their work is valid and backed by research that is recent and relevant. The book is intended to appeal to librarians and information professionals who are interested in this field but is also recommended for anyone who deals with data collection and analysis. Affelt manages to make the field of data management relevant and appealing. The book is divided into eight chapters starting with the history of the term and concept and following through to today’s current job market for data scientists. One of the strongest aspects of this book is that she has included examples that justify the use of librarians, not just algorithms, for analysis. Coding and the need to learn certain computer languages are also discussed as relevant to the field and attainable skills any librarian can obtain. The goal of this book is to encourage librarians to embrace the field of data analysis, confident that they do indeed belong in it, and use their skills to join collaborative data teams where they can become involved in decision-making. Reviewer: Valerie Burleigh; Ages 11 to Adult.

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