The Anonymous Elect: Market Research Through Online Access Panels / Edition 1

The Anonymous Elect: Market Research Through Online Access Panels / Edition 1

by Andrei Postoaca

The Anonymous Elect is the book that restores market research to its original condition and bestows it its full interdisciplinary rights. It asks questions that address market researchers and sociologists as well as psychologists, linguists and specialists in marketing and communication: Is there a language of online panel communication? What does this language say… See more details below


The Anonymous Elect is the book that restores market research to its original condition and bestows it its full interdisciplinary rights. It asks questions that address market researchers and sociologists as well as psychologists, linguists and specialists in marketing and communication: Is there a language of online panel communication? What does this language say about the relationship between the online researcher and the online respondent? To what extent has the online medium increased the self-awareness of today's respondents to research studies?

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Edition description:
Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2006
Product dimensions:
0.36(w) x 9.21(h) x 6.14(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1To panel or not to panel - what is and what is not an online access panel5
Ch. 2Bottling communication : the rhetoric of online interviewing47
Ch. 3Launching the bottle : the rhetoric of the online researcher67
Ch. 4Finding the bottle : the rhetoric of the online panellist109
App. 1Panellist satisfaction survey
App. 2Access panels quality checklist
App. 3Checklist of procedures
App. 4EFAMRO - international quality standards for access panels (QSAP)

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