The Database Factory; Active Database for Enterprise Computing

The Database Factory; Active Database for Enterprise Computing

by Stephen G. Schur

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Focusing on the new generation of distributed client/server information systems, The Database Factory provides the first in-depth treatment of active database design and implementation. This breakthrough work shows how to improve software reliability and lower software development cost using off-the-shelf products. You'll learn important new techniques such as mistake… See more details below


Focusing on the new generation of distributed client/server information systems, The Database Factory provides the first in-depth treatment of active database design and implementation. This breakthrough work shows how to improve software reliability and lower software development cost using off-the-shelf products. You'll learn important new techniques such as mistake-proofing, state-based behavior, and client/server data warehouse design. The Database Factory demonstrates how to build and deploy active database applications using standard components. Examples and illustrations from real-world applications guide you through all stages of development from initial analysis to final implementation. The Database Factory will help you develop enterprise solutions faster, better, and at lower cost.

Editorial Reviews

Treats active database design and implementation, focusing on the new generation of distributed client/server information systems. Demonstrates how to build and deploy active database applications using standard components, illustrated by examples from the real world. Other topics include workflow integration, event management, visual programming, database agents, and collaborative development. Contains b&w diagrams, a glossary, and flow charts. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Publication date:
Wiley Professional Computing Series
Product dimensions:
7.57(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.65(d)

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