The Lawyers' Guide to Concordance

The Lawyers' Guide to Concordance

by Liz Weiman

In this age, when trial outcomes depend on the organization of electronic data discovery, The Lawyer's Guide to Concordance reveals how attorneys and staff can make Concordance the most powerful tool in their litigation arsenal. Individuals who are new to Concordance can get up-to-speed quickly, by following its step-by-step instructions, exercises, and time-saving

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In this age, when trial outcomes depend on the organization of electronic data discovery, The Lawyer's Guide to Concordance reveals how attorneys and staff can make Concordance the most powerful tool in their litigation arsenal. Individuals who are new to Concordance can get up-to-speed quickly, by following its step-by-step instructions, exercises, and time-saving shortcuts. For those already working with Concordance, this comprehensive resource provides methods, strategies, and technical information.

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American Bar Association
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7.00(w) x 10.00(h) x 0.50(d)

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